leetcode summary 09/02 (10)
617. Merge Two Binary Trees
- dfs
606. Construct String from Binary Tree
- right can be omitted in some case
553. Optimal Division
- math: x1 must be numerator and x2 must go to denominator.
545. Boundary of Binary Tree
- wrong answer: [37,-34,-48,null,-100,-100,48,null,null,null,null,-54,null,-71,-22,null,null,null,8] [1] [0, null, 0, 0]
- neat solution of one traversal:
- node.left is left bound if node is left bound;
- node.right could also be left bound if node is left bound && node has no right child;
- Same applys for right bound;
- if node is left bound, add it before 2 child - pre order;
- if node is right bound, add it after 2 child - post order;
- A leaf node that is neither left or right bound belongs to the bottom line;
538. Convert BST to Greater Tree
- dfs: need to pass mutable int array
- iterative: stack
537. Complex Number Multiplication
- parseInt and split and stream
536. Construct Binary Tree from String
- split into three part
534. Design TinyURL and 535. Encode and Decode TinyURL
- How many unique identifiers possible? Will you run out of unique URLs?
- Should the identifier be increment or not? Which is easier to design? Pros and cons?
- Mapping an identifier to an URL and its reversal - Does this problem ring a bell to you?
- How do you store the URLs? Does a simple flat file database work?
- What is the bottleneck of the system? Is it read-heavy or write-heavy?
- Estimate the maximum number of URLs a single machine can store.
- Estimate the maximum number of queries per second (QPS) for decoding a shortened URL in a single machine.
- How would you scale the service? For example, a viral link which is shared in social media could result in a peak QPS at a moment’s notice.
- How could you handle redundancy? i,e, if a server is down, how could you ensure the service is still operational?
- Keep URLs forever or prune, pros/cons? How we do pruning?
- What API would you provide to a third-party developer?
- If you can enable caching, what would you cache and what’s the expiry time?
156. Binary Tree Upside Down
255. Verify Preorder Sequence in Binary Search Tree
- example, [4,2,3,1] cannot be bst.
671. Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree
669. Trim a Binary Search Tree
670. Maximum Swap
Author Chen Tong
LastMod 2017-09-02