
  1. Four different views of AI
  2. Intelligent Agents
    1. Simple reflex agents
    2. Model-based reflex agents
    3. Goal-based agents
    4. Utility-based agents
    5. Learning agents
  3. Solving Problems by Searching
    1. State space formulation
    2. Uninformed search strategies
    3. Informed Search and Exploration
  4. Adversarial Search
    1. Games
    2. Minimax algorithm
    3. Alpha-Beta Pruning
    4. Evaluation functions
    5. cutting off search

Four different views of AI

  • Think humanly: cognitive modeling is to determin how human thinks inside their brain.

    • top-down: test human behaviors.
    • down-top: identify neurological data
  • Think rationally

    • logic: notations and rules of derivation of thoughts.
    • caveat: hard to handle with informal knowledge, and difference between principle and practice.
  • Act humanly: Turing test

  • Act rationally

    • rational agent: entity that perceives and acts.
    • caveat: computation limits, other words, cannot always perform actions to best results

Rational Agents

Task setting (PEAS): performance measure, environment, actuators, and sensors

Simple reflex agents

  • If current state, then do certain action.
  • based on only current state
  • Implemented by condition-action rules

{% asset_img simple_reflex.png %}

{% codeblock %} func simple_reflex_agents (percept) returns an action # static rules = a set of condition-action rules # main state = input(percept) action = match_rules(state) return action {% endcodeblock %}

Model-based reflex agents (red is new)

  • simple refelx agent with internal state

{% asset_img model-based.png %}

{% codeblock %} func reflex_agents_with_state (percept) returns an action # static: maintain internal state rules = a of condition-action rules state = description of current world action = most recent action # main state = update_state(state, action, percept) action = match_rules(state) return action {% endcodeblock %}

Goal-based agents

  • future is included in searching and planning actions.
  • knowledge is represented explicity, and can be manipulated.

{% asset_img goal_based.png %}

Utility-based agents

  • state is quanlified based on utility function.
  • goal can be reached by choosing a series states with higher utility.

{% asset_img utility_based.png %}

Learning agents

  • performance element as a selecter based on learning elements and percepts
  • learning element improves performance
  • problem generator explore more informative experience

{% asset_img learning_based.png %}

Solving Problems by Searching

  • Problem solving agent: it will percept a goal, and finish it, then have another goal

{% codeblock %} function SIMPLE-PROBLEM-SOLVING-AGENT(percept) return an action # static seq = an action sequence, initially empty state = some description of the current world goal = a goal, initially null problem = a problem formulation # main state = UPDATE-STATE(state, percept) if seq is empty goal = FORMULATE-GOAL(state) problem = FORMULATE-PROBLEM(state, goal) seq = SEARCH(problem)

if seq = failure 
    return a null action

action = FIRST(seq) 
seq = REST(seq)
return action

{% endcodeblock %}

State space formulation

  • problem solving formulation = inital state + actions + transition model
  • all states that could be reached from the initial state by any sequence of actions
  • action + transition model = successor function

  • Performance measures

    • Completeness
    • Optimality
    • Time Complexity
    • Space Complexity
      • b: branching factor or max # of successors of any node of the search tree
      • d: depth of the sallowest goal node
      • m: max length of any path in the state space

Uninformed search strategies (blind search)


  • expand shallowest unexpanded node
  • frontier is a FIFO queue
  • check for goal state as soon as a node is generated, instead of when a node is to expand

{% codeblock %} function TREE-SEARCH ( problem ) return a solution or failure # initial frontier = queue(the initial state of problem) if goal_test(root) return the corresponding solution # main loop do
if is_empty(frontier)
return failure

    node = frontier.pop_left()
    children = node.children

    loop child in children do
        if  goal_test(child) 
            return  the  corresponding solution 

{% endcodeblock %}

{% codeblock %} function GRAPH-SEARCH ( problem ) return a solution or failure
# inital frontier = queue(initial state of problem) if goal_test(root) return the corresponding solution explored = set()

# main
loop do  
    if is_empty(frontier)
        return  failure 
    node = frontier.pop()
    children = node.children

    loop child in children do
        if goal_test(child) 
            return the corresponding solution 
        else if child not in explored or frontier

{% endcodeblock %}

  • Evaluation
    • Completeness: Yes if finite successors b
    • Optimality:
      • Yes if step cost is same
      • No if different cost
    • Time: Assume every state has b successors
      $$1 + b^1 + b^2 + … + b^d = O(b^d)$$
    • Space: $O(b^d)$ since keep all nodes to retrive possible path solution
  • expand node with lowest path cost, which is the sum of costs from intial node to current node, also g(n)
  • priority queue ordered by path cost
  • goal test when the node poped(is about to expand) from the frontier to avoid finding a short expensive path before a long cheap path.

Tree search

{% codeblock %} function TREE-SEARCH(problem) return a solution or failure # initial # frontier is a priority queue ordered by path cost frontier = priority_queue(the initial state of problem) # main loop do
if is_empty(frontier) return failure node = frontier.pop_left() if goal_test(node) return the corresponding solution else frontier.append(node.children) {% endcodeblock %}

Graph search

{% codeblock %} function TREE-SEARCH(problem) return a solution or failure # initial # frontier is a priority queue ordered by path cost frontier = priority_queue(the initial state of problem) explored = set() # main loop do
if is_empty(frontier) return failure node = frontier.pop_left() explored.add(node) if goal_test(node) return the corresponding solution if node.children not in frontier or explored set frontier.append(node.children) else if node.children in the frontier with a higher path cost replace that node in the frontier with same node with lower path cost {% endcodeblock %}

  • Evaluation if b is finit, and step cost $\geq \epsilon \geq 0$
    • Completeness: Yes
    • Optimality: Yes
    • Time: $O(b^{1+\lfloor C^* / \epsilon \rfloor})$ where $C^*$ is the cost of optimal solution
    • Space: $O(b^{1+\lfloor C^* / \epsilon \rfloor})$


  • Expand deepest unexpanded node
  • Frontier is a LIFO queue (stack)
  • Goal-Test when inserted

{% codeblock iterative %} function DFS-SEARCH(problem) return a solution or failure # frontier is a LIFO queue frontier = stack(initial state of problem) if goal_test(root) return the corresponding solution

loop do 
    if is_empty(node) 
        return failure 
    node = frontier.pop_up()
    children = node.chilren

    for each child
        if goal_test(child) 
            return the corresponding solution

{% endcodeblock %}

  • Evaluation
    • Completeness: No unless search space is finit and no loop
    • Optimality: No
    • Time: $O(b^m)$, terrible if m >> d
    • Space:
      $O(dm)$ a single path + expanded unexplored nodes
      $O(m)$ if backtracking
  • dfs with depth limit l to solve infinite-path problem

{% codeblock %} function DEPTH-LIMITED-SEARCH(problem, limit) return a solution or failure/cutoff return RECURSIVE-DLS(MAKE-NODE(problem.INITIAL-STATE), problem, limit)

function RECURSIVE-DLS(node, problem, limit) return a solution or failure/cutoff if problem.GOAL-TEST(node.STATE) return SOLUTION(node) else if limit = 0 return cutoff else cutoff_occurred? = false

for each action in problem.ACTIONS(node.STATE) do 
    child = CHILD-NODE(problem, node, action) 
    if (child != NULL)
        result = RECURSIVE-DLS(child, problem, limit-1) 
        if result = cutoff 
            cutoff_occurred? = true 
        else if result != failure 
            return result

if cutoff_occurred? 
    return cutoff 
    return failure

/At the end of the search process, failure is returned to the main calling function only if no solution is found and cutoff never occurred/ {% endcodeblock %}

  • Evaluation
    • Completeness: No if $l < d$
    • Optimality: No
    • Time: $O(b^l)$
    • Space: $O(bl)$, a single path + expanded unexplored nodes
  • IDS inherits the memory advantage of Depth-first search
  • IDS has the completeness property of Breadth-first search

{% codeblock %} function ITERATIVE_DEEPENING_SEARCH(problem) return a solution or failure for depth = 1 to infinit do result = DEPTH-LIMITED_SEARCH(problem, depth) if result != cutoff return result /Final result returned is either a solution or a failure if the algorithm exits the infinite loop./ {% endcodeblock %}

  • Evaluation
    • Completeness: Yes, if no infinite path
    • Optimality: Yes, if cost is a non-decreasing function only of depth
    • Time: $(d)b + (d-1)b^2 + … + (1)b^d = O(b^d)$
    • Space: $O(bd)$, a single path + expanded unexplored nodes
  • Both searches are BF
  • Actions are sesily reversible, or predecessor can be computable
  • Evaluation
    • Completeness: Yes, if b is finite
    • Optimality: Yes, if cost is constant
    • Time: $O(b^{d \over 2})$
    • Space: $O(b^{d \over 2})$


{% asset_img summary_search.png %}

Informed Search and Exploration

  • g(n) = known path cost so far to node n.
  • h(n) = estimate of (optimal) cost to goal from node n.
  • f(n) = h(n)
  • Greedy Best First Search (GBFS) expands the node n with smallest h(n).
  • Evaluation
    • Completeness: No, may stuck in a loop
    • Optimality: No
    • Time: O(b^m)
    • Space: O(b^m), keeps all nodes in memory
  • f(n) = g(n)+h(n) = estimate of total cost to goal through node n
  • A* search expands the node n with smallest f(n)
  • Admissible:$0 <= h(n) <= h^*(n)$
  • consistent: $h(n) <= c(n, a, n’) + h(n’)$. Also, f(n) is non-decreaing along any path
  • Evaluation
    • Completeness: Yes if finit f < f(G)
    • Optimality: Yes if admissible (tree) or consistent (graph)
    • Optimally Efficient. no optimal algorithm with same heuristic is guaranteed to expand fewer nodes
      prove: optimality under admissible (tree)
      suppose there exists suboptimal goal G2 in the frontier queue. Let n be an unexpended node on a shortest cost path to optimal goal G.
      $f(n) = g(n) + h(n) <= g(n) + h^(n) = g(G) = g(G) + h(G) = f(G)$ So, $f(n) <= f(G)$ Since G2 is suboptimal, we have:
      $g(G) < g(G2) => g(G) + h(G) < g(G2) + h(G2) => f(G) < f(G2)$ Therefore, $f(n) <= f(G) < f(G2)$ for all n along the shortest cost path. A
      algo will always select $f(G)$
    • Time: $O(b^d)$
    • Space: $O(b^d)$, keeps all nodes in memory
  • Effective branching factor $$N + 1 = 1 + b^* + (b^)^2+ … + (b^)^d$$

  • Inventing and learning heuristic functions

    • Admissible heuristics can be derived from the exact solution cost of a relaxed version
    • sub-problem, ie. pattern database stores the exact solution
    • learning from experience

Adversarial Search


Solution is strategy (approximate not accurate)
- strategy specifies move for every possible opponent reply
- Time limits force an approximate solution
- Evaluation function: evaluate “goodness” of game position

Minimax algorithm

{% codeblock %} function MINIMAX-DECISION(state) returns an action v = MAX-VALUE(state) return the action in ACTIONS(state) with value v function MAX-VALUE(state) returns a utility value if TERMINAL-TEST(state) return UTILITY(state) v = - ∞ for each a in ACTIONS(state) do v = MAX(v, MIN-VALUE(RESULT(state, a))) return v function MIN-VALUE(state) returns a utility value if TERMINAL-TEST(state) return UTILITY(state) v = ∞ for each a in ACTIONS(state) do v = MIN(v, MAX-VALUE(RESULT(state, a))) return v {% endcodeblock %}

  • Evaluation
    • Completeness: Yes if d is finite
    • Optimality: Yes if against an optimal opponent
    • Time: $O(b^m)$
    • Space: $O(m)$, depth-first exploration, recursive

Alpha-Beta Pruning

{% asset_img ab1.png %} {% asset_img ab2.png %} {% asset_img ab3.png %} {% asset_img ab4.png %} {% asset_img ab5.png %} {% asset_img ab6.png %} {% asset_img ab7.png %}

{% codeblock %} function MINIMAX-DECISION(state) returns an action v = MAX-VALUE(state, -infinit, infinit) return the action in ACTIONS(state) with value v function MAX-VALUE(state, alpha, beta) returns a utility value if TERMINAL-TEST(state) return UTILITY(state) v = - ∞ for each a in ACTIONS(state) do v = MAX(v, MIN-VALUE(RESULT(state, a), alpha, beta)) if v >= beta return v alpha = max(alpha, v) return v function MIN-VALUE(state) returns a utility value if TERMINAL-TEST(state) return UTILITY(state) v = ∞ for each a in ACTIONS(state) do v = MIN(v, MAX-VALUE(RESULT(state, a))) if v <= alpha return v beta = min(beta, v) return v {% endcodeblock %}

Evaluation functions

linear weighted sum of features

{% codeblock %} if TERMINAL-TEST(state) return UTILITY(state) Become: if CUTOFF-TEST(state, depth) return EVAL(state) {% endcodeblock %}


  1. CS 6613 / CS 4613 by E. K. Wong

  2. CS 17103 from UCI

  3. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach