- Four different views of AI
- Intelligent Agents
- Solving Problems by Searching
- State space formulation
- Uninformed search strategies
- Informed Search and Exploration
- Greedy best-first search
- A* Search
- Admissible and consistent heuristic functions
- Inventing and learning heuristic functions
- Adversarial Search
Four different views of AI
Think humanly: cognitive modeling is to determin how human thinks inside their brain.
- top-down: test human behaviors.
- down-top: identify neurological data
Think rationally
- logic: notations and rules of derivation of thoughts.
- caveat: hard to handle with informal knowledge, and difference between principle and practice.
Act humanly: Turing test
Act rationally
- rational agent: entity that perceives and acts.
- caveat: computation limits, other words, cannot always perform actions to best results
Rational Agents
Task setting (PEAS): performance measure, environment, actuators, and sensors
Simple reflex agents
- If current state, then do certain action.
- based on only current state
- Implemented by condition-action rules
{% asset_img simple_reflex.png %}
{% codeblock %} func simple_reflex_agents (percept) returns an action # static rules = a set of condition-action rules # main state = input(percept) action = match_rules(state) return action {% endcodeblock %}
Model-based reflex agents (red is new)
- simple refelx agent with internal state
{% asset_img model-based.png %}
{% codeblock %} func reflex_agents_with_state (percept) returns an action # static: maintain internal state rules = a of condition-action rules state = description of current world action = most recent action # main state = update_state(state, action, percept) action = match_rules(state) return action {% endcodeblock %}
Goal-based agents
- future is included in searching and planning actions.
- knowledge is represented explicity, and can be manipulated.
{% asset_img goal_based.png %}
Utility-based agents
- state is quanlified based on utility function.
- goal can be reached by choosing a series states with higher utility.
{% asset_img utility_based.png %}
Learning agents
- performance element as a selecter based on learning elements and percepts
- learning element improves performance
- problem generator explore more informative experience
{% asset_img learning_based.png %}
Solving Problems by Searching
- Problem solving agent: it will percept a goal, and finish it, then have another goal
{% codeblock %} function SIMPLE-PROBLEM-SOLVING-AGENT(percept) return an action # static seq = an action sequence, initially empty state = some description of the current world goal = a goal, initially null problem = a problem formulation # main state = UPDATE-STATE(state, percept) if seq is empty goal = FORMULATE-GOAL(state) problem = FORMULATE-PROBLEM(state, goal) seq = SEARCH(problem)
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
if seq = failure return a null action action = FIRST(seq) seq = REST(seq) return action |
{% endcodeblock %}
State space formulation
- problem solving formulation = inital state + actions + transition model
- all states that could be reached from the initial state by any sequence of actions
action + transition model = successor function
Performance measures
- Completeness
- Optimality
- Time Complexity
- Space Complexity
- b: branching factor or max # of successors of any node of the search tree
- d: depth of the sallowest goal node
- m: max length of any path in the state space
Uninformed search strategies (blind search)
- expand shallowest unexpanded node
- frontier is a FIFO queue
- check for goal state as soon as a node is generated, instead of when a node is to expand
Tree Search
{% codeblock %}
function TREE-SEARCH ( problem ) return a solution or failure
# initial
frontier = queue(the initial state of problem)
if goal_test(root)
return the corresponding solution
# main
loop do
if is_empty(frontier)
return failure
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
node = frontier.pop_left() children = node.children loop child in children do if goal_test(child) return the corresponding solution else frontier.add(child) |
{% endcodeblock %}
Graph Search
{% codeblock %}
function GRAPH-SEARCH ( problem ) return a solution or failure
# inital
frontier = queue(initial state of problem)
if goal_test(root)
return the corresponding solution
explored = set()
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 |
# main loop do if is_empty(frontier) return failure node = frontier.pop() explored.add(node) children = node.children loop child in children do if goal_test(child) return the corresponding solution else if child not in explored or frontier frontier.append(child) |
{% endcodeblock %}
- Evaluation
- Completeness: Yes if finite successors b
- Optimality:
- Yes if step cost is same
- No if different cost
- Time: Assume every state has b successors
$$1 + b^1 + b^2 + … + b^d = O(b^d)$$ - Space: $O(b^d)$ since keep all nodes to retrive possible path solution
uniform-cost search
- expand node with lowest path cost, which is the sum of costs from intial node to current node, also g(n)
- priority queue ordered by path cost
- goal test when the node poped(is about to expand) from the frontier to avoid finding a short expensive path before a long cheap path.
Tree search
{% codeblock %}
function TREE-SEARCH(problem) return a solution or failure
# initial
# frontier is a priority queue ordered by path cost
frontier = priority_queue(the initial state of problem)
# main
loop do
if is_empty(frontier)
return failure
node = frontier.pop_left()
if goal_test(node)
return the corresponding solution
{% endcodeblock %}
Graph search
{% codeblock %}
function TREE-SEARCH(problem) return a solution or failure
# initial
# frontier is a priority queue ordered by path cost
frontier = priority_queue(the initial state of problem)
explored = set()
# main
loop do
if is_empty(frontier)
return failure
node = frontier.pop_left()
if goal_test(node)
return the corresponding solution
if node.children not in frontier or explored set
else if node.children in the frontier with a higher path cost
replace that node in the frontier with same node with lower path cost
{% endcodeblock %}
- Evaluation
if b is finit, and step cost $\geq \epsilon \geq 0$
- Completeness: Yes
- Optimality: Yes
- Time: $O(b^{1+\lfloor C^* / \epsilon \rfloor})$ where $C^*$ is the cost of optimal solution
- Space: $O(b^{1+\lfloor C^* / \epsilon \rfloor})$
- Expand deepest unexpanded node
- Frontier is a LIFO queue (stack)
- Goal-Test when inserted
{% codeblock iterative %} function DFS-SEARCH(problem) return a solution or failure # frontier is a LIFO queue frontier = stack(initial state of problem) if goal_test(root) return the corresponding solution
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 |
loop do if is_empty(node) return failure node = frontier.pop_up() children = node.chilren for each child if goal_test(child) return the corresponding solution else frontier.push(child) |
{% endcodeblock %}
- Evaluation
- Completeness: No unless search space is finit and no loop
- Optimality: No
- Time: $O(b^m)$, terrible if m >> d
- Space:
$O(dm)$ a single path + expanded unexplored nodes
$O(m)$ if backtracking
depth limited search
- dfs with depth limit l to solve infinite-path problem
{% codeblock %} function DEPTH-LIMITED-SEARCH(problem, limit) return a solution or failure/cutoff return RECURSIVE-DLS(MAKE-NODE(problem.INITIAL-STATE), problem, limit)
function RECURSIVE-DLS(node, problem, limit) return a solution or failure/cutoff if problem.GOAL-TEST(node.STATE) return SOLUTION(node) else if limit = 0 return cutoff else cutoff_occurred? = false
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 |
for each action in problem.ACTIONS(node.STATE) do child = CHILD-NODE(problem, node, action) if (child != NULL) result = RECURSIVE-DLS(child, problem, limit-1) if result = cutoff cutoff_occurred? = true else if result != failure return result if cutoff_occurred? return cutoff else return failure |
/At the end of the search process, failure is returned to the main calling function only if no solution is found and cutoff never occurred/ {% endcodeblock %}
- Evaluation
- Completeness: No if $l < d$
- Optimality: No
- Time: $O(b^l)$
- Space: $O(bl)$, a single path + expanded unexplored nodes
iterative deepening search
- IDS inherits the memory advantage of Depth-first search
- IDS has the completeness property of Breadth-first search
{% codeblock %} function ITERATIVE_DEEPENING_SEARCH(problem) return a solution or failure for depth = 1 to infinit do result = DEPTH-LIMITED_SEARCH(problem, depth) if result != cutoff return result /Final result returned is either a solution or a failure if the algorithm exits the infinite loop./ {% endcodeblock %}
- Evaluation
- Completeness: Yes, if no infinite path
- Optimality: Yes, if cost is a non-decreasing function only of depth
- Time: $(d)b + (d-1)b^2 + … + (1)b^d = O(b^d)$
- Space: $O(bd)$, a single path + expanded unexplored nodes
bi-directional search
- Both searches are BF
- Actions are sesily reversible, or predecessor can be computable
- Evaluation
- Completeness: Yes, if b is finite
- Optimality: Yes, if cost is constant
- Time: $O(b^{d \over 2})$
- Space: $O(b^{d \over 2})$
{% asset_img summary_search.png %}
Informed Search and Exploration
- g(n) = known path cost so far to node n.
- h(n) = estimate of (optimal) cost to goal from node n.
Greedy best-first search
- f(n) = h(n)
- Greedy Best First Search (GBFS) expands the node n with smallest h(n).
- Evaluation
- Completeness: No, may stuck in a loop
- Optimality: No
- Time: O(b^m)
- Space: O(b^m), keeps all nodes in memory
A* Search
- f(n) = g(n)+h(n) = estimate of total cost to goal through node n
- A* search expands the node n with smallest f(n)
- Admissible:$0 <= h(n) <= h^*(n)$
- consistent: $h(n) <= c(n, a, n’) + h(n’)$. Also, f(n) is non-decreaing along any path
- Evaluation
- Completeness: Yes if finit f < f(G)
- Optimality: Yes if admissible (tree) or consistent (graph)
- Optimally Efficient. no optimal algorithm with same heuristic is guaranteed to expand fewer nodes
prove: optimality under admissible (tree)
suppose there exists suboptimal goal G2 in the frontier queue. Let n be an unexpended node on a shortest cost path to optimal goal G.
$f(n) = g(n) + h(n) <= g(n) + h^(n) = g(G) = g(G) + h(G) = f(G)$ So, $f(n) <= f(G)$ Since G2 is suboptimal, we have:
$g(G) < g(G2) => g(G) + h(G) < g(G2) + h(G2) => f(G) < f(G2)$ Therefore, $f(n) <= f(G) < f(G2)$ for all n along the shortest cost path. A algo will always select $f(G)$
Proved - Time: $O(b^d)$
- Space: $O(b^d)$, keeps all nodes in memory
Effective branching factor $$N + 1 = 1 + b^* + (b^)^2+ … + (b^)^d$$
Inventing and learning heuristic functions
- Admissible heuristics can be derived from the exact solution cost of a relaxed version
- sub-problem, ie. pattern database stores the exact solution
- learning from experience
Adversarial Search
Solution is strategy (approximate not accurate)
- strategy specifies move for every possible opponent reply
- Time limits force an approximate solution
- Evaluation function: evaluate “goodness” of game position
Minimax algorithm
{% codeblock %} function MINIMAX-DECISION(state) returns an action v = MAX-VALUE(state) return the action in ACTIONS(state) with value v function MAX-VALUE(state) returns a utility value if TERMINAL-TEST(state) return UTILITY(state) v = - ∞ for each a in ACTIONS(state) do v = MAX(v, MIN-VALUE(RESULT(state, a))) return v function MIN-VALUE(state) returns a utility value if TERMINAL-TEST(state) return UTILITY(state) v = ∞ for each a in ACTIONS(state) do v = MIN(v, MAX-VALUE(RESULT(state, a))) return v {% endcodeblock %}
- Evaluation
- Completeness: Yes if d is finite
- Optimality: Yes if against an optimal opponent
- Time: $O(b^m)$
- Space: $O(m)$, depth-first exploration, recursive
Alpha-Beta Pruning
{% asset_img ab1.png %} {% asset_img ab2.png %} {% asset_img ab3.png %} {% asset_img ab4.png %} {% asset_img ab5.png %} {% asset_img ab6.png %} {% asset_img ab7.png %}
{% codeblock %} function MINIMAX-DECISION(state) returns an action v = MAX-VALUE(state, -infinit, infinit) return the action in ACTIONS(state) with value v function MAX-VALUE(state, alpha, beta) returns a utility value if TERMINAL-TEST(state) return UTILITY(state) v = - ∞ for each a in ACTIONS(state) do v = MAX(v, MIN-VALUE(RESULT(state, a), alpha, beta)) if v >= beta return v alpha = max(alpha, v) return v function MIN-VALUE(state) returns a utility value if TERMINAL-TEST(state) return UTILITY(state) v = ∞ for each a in ACTIONS(state) do v = MIN(v, MAX-VALUE(RESULT(state, a))) if v <= alpha return v beta = min(beta, v) return v {% endcodeblock %}
Evaluation functions
linear weighted sum of features
cutting off search
{% codeblock %} if TERMINAL-TEST(state) return UTILITY(state) Become: if CUTOFF-TEST(state, depth) return EVAL(state) {% endcodeblock %}
CS 6613 / CS 4613 by E. K. Wong
Author Chen Tong
LastMod 2017-03-19