Bittiger cs101 notebook 2 - linux and file system
need for a file system
- size
- type
- authorization
- read and write time
common file system:
- FAT(File Allocation Table)
connect by points and write by order - ext2(second extended file system)
- supernode | file sysem descrip | inode bitmap | block bitmap | inode | block
- use hashmap (inode) record file content
- inode -> meta Data
- block -> file content
- inode -> meta Data
- use bitmap record whether it is empty
- fixed size block: 1k, 2k, 4k
- fixed size inode: 128byte
- one inode has at least one block
- use super node to record file system meta Data
- the number of inode and block
- the stat of bitmaps
- the size of inode and block
- start point of each part
- the number of inode and block
- larger size: indirect inode
- supernode | file sysem descrip | inode bitmap | block bitmap | inode | block
- ext3 log file system: in order to check errors efficiently
- group
- owner
- owners’ group
- others
- owner
- drwxr-xr-x:
- d refers dictonary; - refers file;
- r readable : 4
- w writable : 2
- x executable : 1
- r-x : 4 + 1 = 5
- d refers dictonary; - refers file;
- commands:
- find: find Desktop -name “.”
- grep: grep “pattern” filename
- pipe: find . -name “*.java” | xargs grep “public”
(xargs: pass previous contect as argus for current command) - awk ‘{x+=$2+$3;a[NR]=$2+$3}END{y=x/NR;for(i in a){if(a[i] < y) z++} print z}’ table.txt
- find: find Desktop -name “.”
Author Chen Tong
LastMod 0001-01-01