Bittiger cs101 notebook 6 - web programming

Http and Chrome dev tools Http header Host: send to where, dns lookup Referer: linked from where, User-Agent: browser, os Cache-Control: static: can cache non-static: cannot cache Date: timestamp Http request methods GET HEAD POST: post data PUT: store data DELETE TRACE OPTIONS CONNECT status 304: cached content Restful api reasons: - single page application - mobile and other services

Database Notebook 1

[TOC] Purpose of Database Management System (DBMS) is to solve problems caused by file systems Data redundancy and inconsistency: duplicate information, file formats Difficulty in accessing data: new program to carry data Data isolation: files and formats Integrity: constraints are fixed, hard to add or change Atomicity of updates: failures may cause inconsistency. Concurrent access by multiple users Security: permissions Schema: the logical structure of the database