Amazon CEO letter 2016

转载 To our shareowners: This year, Amazon became the fastest company ever to reach $100 billion in annual sales. Also this year, Amazon Web Services is reaching $10 billion in annual sales … doing so at a pace even faster than Amazon achieved that milestone. What’s going on here? Both were planted as tiny seeds and both have grown organically without significant acquisitions into

AI: Logical Agents

knowledge base a set of sentences. - inference:deriving new sentences from old - TELL: add new sentences to the knowledge base - ASK: a way to query what is known. The standard names for these operations Generic KB-Based Agent Similar to agents with internal states. {% codeblock %} function KB-Agent(percept) returns an action static KB = a knowledge base, t = 0 // a counter indicating time tell(KB, make_percept_sentence(percept, t)) action = ask(KB, make_action_query(t)) tell(KB, make_action_sentence(action, t)) t++ return action {% endcodeblock %}

Intro to xpath

发现一个很好的xpath入门教程 xpath有三种记号,分别是 /, [] 和 :: / /foo/bar 指的是从根结点开始,/foo 对于每个节点,也就是根结点,得到它的子节

notes for advices pythonic programming

编写高质量代码:改善Python程序的91个建议 的读书笔记 记录一下自己认为比较有用的片段 10 充分利用 Lazy evaluation 的特性 if x and y,在 x 为 false 的情况下 y 表达