leetcode summary 08/23

337. House Robber III basic: for each node, you can choose rob or not, based on the parent’s status. return max amount of each choice. dp: keep previous rob information. 95. Unique Binary Search Trees II foreach 1 to n, generate left and right subtree and combine with current node. 111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree its root to leaf, not to other node.


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java 传值还是引用 refer Java is always pass-by-value. Unfortunately, they decided to call the location of an object a “reference”. When we pass the value of an object, we are passing the reference to it.

leetcode summary 08/22

114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List iterative: set left tree to the right child, left child is null, then go to next right node. recursive: use post order get successor of each node, set successor to each node’r right child 199. Binary Tree Right Side View iterative: BFS, always pop rightmost node. It’s better using queue, and loop N times. N is the size of queue.

Notes of Readings in Database Systems

redbook Preface Background introduced by Michael Stonebraker Traditional RDBMS Systems introduced by Michael Stonebraker Techniques Everyone Should Know introduced by Peter Bailis New DBMS Architectures introduced by Michael Stonebraker [HTML] [PDF] Large-Scale Dataflow Engines introduced by Peter Bailis [HTML] [PDF] Weak Isolation and Distribution introduced by Peter Bailis [HTML] [PDF] Query Optimization introduced by Joe Hellerstein [HTML] [PDF] Interactive Analytics introduced by Joe Hellerstein [HTML] [PDF] Languages introduced by Joe Hellerstein [HTML] [PDF] Web Data introduced by Peter Bailis [HTML] [PDF] A Biased Take on a Moving Target: Complex Analytics by Michael Stonebraker [HTML] [PDF] A Biased Take on a Moving Target: Data Integration by Michael Stonebraker